Hillary Hicks is a journalist who focuses on issues that are relevant, speaks to the point and doesn’t hold back from saying it how it is. Someone who doesn’t make a lot of money, doesn’t have any real agenda and certainly sees the world through a slightly jaded perspective. He speaks for people who most of the time don’t say anything, just look at the ground, accept a poor experience and sigh internally that things just didn’t go their way that day….again. Hillary wants to hear from you and wants your help creating a voice of reason and exploration into why some services, businesses and people just don’t seem to care about their customer’s experience. And every once and a while, just maybe….when a good experience happens, we can tell people about that also.

Say no to $15 minimum wage, McDonalds

$15 Minimum Wage Makes No Sense

We’ve all heard the arguments for a higher minimum wage now.  Some states have been suckered into this idea already.  Take California for example, this absolute sinkhole for business and productive economic growth is adding yet another weight on the scale pulling businesses out of the State to Texas, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Florida…